"Dawn of Man is a fantastic survival builder held back by developers who showed little interest in further development following its multiplatform release."
Dawn of Man utilizes organic map design, meaning some maps are ridiculously annoying and force players to work around unfavourable terrain; however, this is part of the brilliance of Dawn of Man; early man would have had no choice but to work around such obstacles and villages would not have been perfectly laid out like a modern-day town or housing estate.
Overall I am very happy with the map design in Dawn of Man and wish other pre-industrial era games would embrace a similar design philosophy.
While moment-to-moment performance is fine, at the change of every season, the game will lock up for a few moments; this is particularly noticeable around wintertime, with the introduction of snow and its eventual melting in spring, causing up to 5 seconds of lag on even high-end hardware.
Dawn of Man features an extinction mechanic, with entire species of animals going extinct at the start of each era; in addition, hunting a single species early in the year can result in a “temporary extinction”, with reduced herd numbers lasting until the next spring and if RNG is against you (such as two males or two females spawning in spring) even longer.
Dawn of Man is difficult until it isn’t, meaning the early game is significantly harder than the endgame, which borders on “boring”, with the raider mechanic failing to offset the reduction in difficulty brought about by innovations such as the plough and steel tools.
Dawn of Man suffers from serious AI issues, and villagers will starve to death while standing next to a food source. Raiders will attack a defended gatehouse, bypassing an opening in the wall and, conversely, attack a stone wall over a wooden gate, which is substantially easier to demolish.
Animal AI is better than villager/raider AI, and animals will stalk prey, human or otherwise, and migrate to greener pastures when food becomes scarce, requiring hunters to travel further from the village to secure leather, bones and food.
Dawn of Man is a management video game developed and published by Madruga Works, it was released on 1 March 2019 and retails for $24.99.
Dawn of Man is available on the following platforms: PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
While Madruga Works did eventually release bug fixes and the occasional content patch, it’s clear in their minds Dawn of Man was already “finished” and did not require additional paid or free content.
In April 2021, Madruga Works announced they had moved on to a new title after a total of 4.5 years of development, and Dawn of Man would not receive any more content updates.
On average Dawn of Man takes between 15 and 30 hours to complete.
Estimated completion times are derived from various sources and may vary based on the skill level of each player.
The following peripherals are officially supported:
Dawn of Man is rated PEGI 16+ and contains:
Dawn of Man is a great game, and players will easily get their money’s worth; however, it could have been even better if the developers had continued to add new DLC content, and their reluctance to do so is baffling when you consider how well Dawn of Man performed, with SteamSpy estimating it sold between 500k and 1M copies on Steam alone.
We found Dawn of Man to be a good game, meaning it is likely to be enjoyable for most players, despite having a few areas that could be improved upon.