Is Rogue Company, Worth Playing in 2025?

"Despite a promising start, Rogue Company will likely follow siblings Realm Royale and Divine Knockout into the sunset before the end of 2025. "

The Lowdown.

Product Details
Genre: Shooter
Developer: Evil Mojo
Publisher: Evil Mojo
Release Date: 3 February 2021
Supported Modes:
Disclosure: Review Copy This game was purchased with our own funds for review purposes, however this has no baring on our opinions.

Read our original review of Rogue Company, titled "Review | Is Rogue Company, Worth Playing?", posted on August 27, 2023.

How Active Is Rogue Company?

Due to its robust Rogue Company and dedicated core community, Rogue Company remains somewhat active as we enter 2025.

Still, with no updates since early 2024 and near-total radio silence from its developers, without a comprehensive relaunch in the style of Realm Royale Reforged (which sadly did not manage to save Realm Royale), the Rogue Company community will continue to shrink, especially as cheaters go unpunished and long-term performance and server stability issues remain a problem despite the developer indicating they were monitoring the situation in April 2024.

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Image credit Rogue Company - Published and developed by Evil Mojo.

Does Rogue Company Have A Future?

Except for offering refunds due to the removal of Dr Disrespect cosmetics, the developers have not spoken since April 2024, and even then it was only a tweet that assured the community that they were looking into server instability issues.

With no updates in almost one year (Feb 2024) and server issues lasting months at a time, without a major injection of cash and development resources, Rogue Company has no future.

In all likelihood, it will be sunset before the end of 2025 or at least officially enter maintenance mode.

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Image credit Rogue Company - Published and developed by Evil Mojo.

Final Verdict.

When you consider all of the above and the fact that Hi-Rez is in the process of closing both Realm Royale: Reforged and Divine Knockout as part of company-wide cost-cutting measures, I certainly would not feel comfortable spending my time or money on the Rogue Company, when its future is very much in question.

With that in mind, while I have always been a fan of Rogue Company, I can no longer recommend it, at least not until the publishers dedicate enough funding to ensure a successful relaunch and publicly commit to at least 18 months of post-relaunch updates to give Rogue Company a real shot of finding its feet again.

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As a follower of Jesus Christ, he, believes that the message taught by Jesus is radically different from what is taught in churches today, and that the influence of his message can be felt across various mediums, including pop culture and video games.

Veritas enjoys gaming on a varity of platforms, reading speculative fiction, and exploring how gaming can be used to discover deeper truths.